Friday, May 15, 2009

News Friday

Do Now

First do the News Friday - if you finish that, make sure I have your movie review, the webquest results and the three questions from Wednesday's work.

News Friday


§ Each Friday you will complete this in class.

§ You will read your headline first, then your lede. Then tell what kind of lede it is, tell why you chose the story, and then summarize your response to the story. Also, be prepared to answer questions about your story if others in the class ask them.

§ Don't choose from “News in Brief” or similar abbreviated or summarized news stories; choose a full-sized news story. Also, do not choose features, editorials or sports. You may print news stories from the Internet or cut them from newspapers, of course.

§ Fill out this sheet completely. The assignment includes a presentation and the completed work sheet. If you do not have this assignment completed the day we talk about the news in class, you can not earn any points for it. If you are absent on a News Friday day, turn in this sheet as soon as you return.

1. As a reader, what makes this story newsworthy? Explain.

2. Write the lede of the story. What kind of lede is it?

3. Does the lede attribute information to a source? If so, what is the source?

4. Is your lead 30 words or less? If not, explain the reason it’s longer (in your opinion).

5. Basically, what is this story about? Give the main facts:

6. Respond to the story: how does it make you feel, what do you think about it, how does it affect you or someone you know etc. Your response should be about 50 words.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Do Now and Watergate webquest!!!!

Do Now

Tomorrow we will begin the movie All The President's Men. It will take 2-3 class periods. Before we view the film I'd like you to have a little better understanding of the events of Watergate and the impact it had on investigative journalism.

Step 1. Got to this website.

Step 2. Click the link for Introduction and read it.

Step 3. Click the link for Task and read it.

Step 4. Read the Process.

This is the link for the chart you will be completing. All of your research will halp you fill in the chart.

It is in the Process page - called Watergate Supplemental Chart.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Do Now and Watergate info.

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Do Now

Do Now

Friday, May 8, 2009

Do Now and News Friday!!!

Do Now


News Friday


§ Each Friday you will complete this in class.

§ You will read your headline first, then your lede. Then tell what kind of lede it is, tell why you chose the story, and then summarize your response to the story. Also, be prepared to answer questions about your story if others in the class ask them.

§ Don't choose from “News in Brief” or similar abbreviated or summarized news stories; choose a full-sized news story. Also, do not choose features, editorials or sports. You may print news stories from the Internet or cut them from newspapers, of course.

§ Fill out this sheet completely. The assignment includes a presentation and the completed work sheet. If you do not have this assignment completed the day we talk about the news in class, you can not earn any points for it. If you are absent on a News Friday day, turn in this sheet as soon as you return.

1. As a reader, what makes this story newsworthy? Explain.

2. Write the lede of the story. What kind of lede is it?

3. Does the lede attribute information to a source? If so, what is the source?

4. Is your lead 30 words or less? If not, explain the reason it’s longer (in your opinion).

5. Basically, what is this story about? Give the main facts:

6. Respond to the story: how does it make you feel, what do you think about it, how does it affect you or someone you know etc. Your response should be about 50 words.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Do Now

Do Now

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Do Now and classwork

Do Now

Write your Movie Review!

By the end of this period you must have your first three paragraphs written in rough draft form!!!!!!!!!

Opening: Catch the Reader's Attention
Think about how advertisements sell movies: "trailers" show you a few seconds of the movie to get you interested.

When you begin your movie review, make your own "trailer." If you liked the movie, then your trailer should make people want to see it; but if you didn't like it, the trailer should be something that shows why you didn't like it. Don't explain why you liked it or didn't like it; make the reader like or not like the movie by what you describe. Begin your review by retelling an incident or moment from the movie which you think captures the spirit of the movie as you understood it.

Alternative: Begin your review with another kind of story or interesting fact--about one of the star actors, or about the making of the movie, or about the director.

Second Paragraph: Take Care of Business

Near the beginning of the review, you have to tell the reader all the obligatory stuff--the title of the movie, the director, the studio, the main actors, the year it was made (if you watched it on video), the rating. This paragraph tells the reader the things they have to know about the movie. Also, in one sentence or two, you should explain very simply what the movie is all about--not necessarily what happens, but that might work, too, if you can say it in one two sentences.

Third Paragraph: Character and plot summary

What happens in the movie? You shouldn't tell everything that happens--and especially not the ending. But you want to summarize the basic plot of the movie, in more detail than you do in the paragraph above.

One way to do this might be to write a sentence about each main character.

Fourth Paragraph: A Key Moment or Idea

In this paragraph, go into detail about something important that interested you about the movie. If it was a musical, you should say something about the songs. Or if the soundtrack was good, talk about that. Or write more about one character who was really intriguing. Or retell another big moment from the movie and explain why it is important. If you think the "idea" behind a movie was really interesting, explain that idea and talk about it a little bit. In this paragraph, you must go into depth about the movie.

Fifth Paragraph: Evaluate the Movie
Do you recommend it or not? Who will like it (kids or adults)? The most important thing here is that you must also explain why you are making your recommendation.

You must justify your opinion--and that opinion should grow out of what you write in the rest of the review. Give at least two reasons why you liked or didn't like the movie.