Thursday, April 2, 2009

April 2 - Journalistic Scenarios

Assume you are the editor of the student newspaper. Write Yes or No on whether or not you would run the story. Then write five lines defending your answer. Be prepared to discuss your answers in class.

The school is capping the attendance of students at 5 days a semester.

A student was assaulted in the rest room at your school.

An article containing "profane" words.

An editorial saying the principal is incompetent and should be fired.

An editorial calling for a one-day boycott of classes.

An article rating the teachers from best to worst.

A review of an NC-17 rated movie.

An advertisement for cigarettes.

The Homecoming assembly was delayed because one of the finalists was nervous and threw up.

The acting in the school play was very poor.

A student was suspended for drinking at a school dance.

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